Friday, February 27, 2009

New Article

Just wanted to share some information and an article I have written. Check it out at!

Hope to hear from you soon....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Parental Alienation – a Divorce Disaster Sure to Alienate Your Children

Parental Alienation – a Divorce Disaster Sure to Alienate Your Children


Divorce for adults is like a death, you mourn the lost of what if..............and for our children they mourn the loss of two is not the same again...........Just a thought...

Anyone else have any thoughts?


A Kid's Guide to Divorce

A Kid's Guide to Divorce: "Just like the divorce is not the kid's fault, getting parents back together is not up to the kid, either. And most likely, this doesn't happen, although plenty of kids wish for it and even try things they think might work"

Just some thoughts on they cope and the effects of divorce on children!

Effects Of Divorce On Children

Divorce...what an emotional word. For myself, I remember the look on my son's face when my ex husband and I told him. They says hind sight is 20/20; telling the his older sister first, we thought we were protecting him from this harsh reality - his parents would no longer be together. He was more angry with us for not trusting him and believing he could handle it. He felt betrayed!

The effects of divorce on children starts as soon as the words are uttered. Children are a lot stronger than we give them credit, but as their parents we need to remember not add to their emotional stress by using them as our sounding boards of our insecurities.

Look forward to hearing from you about your experiences!